Global lifting industry website recently ran a feature expressing concern over the safety of an individual seen working on a Manchester retail park sign without a man anchor, and with several other worrying safety issues.
The man was pictured working in the basket of a truck-mounted lift at the entrance to Trafford Retail Park, apparently without any kind of man anchor or harness holding him in place.
His truck was parked partially on the kerb, putting it slightly off balance, with no pads placed beneath its outriggers to protect against slippage.
The truck itself was positioned on the corner of a junction, partially blocking the way past a pedestrian refuge, on double yellow lines and without warnings for passing traffic.
All of this adds up to a catalogue of safety concerns, and while some are specific to vehicle-based work, the absence of a man anchor is an easily resolved issue that could apply to all work at height.
Simply tethering the individual to the platform or roof they are working on is a simple way to prevent falls, while fixed guardrails can create a further physical barrier to prevent them from falling over the edge.